Sunday, January 5, 2014

Good morning!  You are finally hearing from the other sister.  Bet you thought maybe I didn't exist?  A few random thoughts for today.

I have done nothing towards my New Years resolution yet.  I figure I'll start working on it February, which means I'll be way ahead of most other people as they will have all quit theirs by then.  Seems like a great idea to me.  And no, it doesn't have to do with fitness because I tend to view that as a general life goal and not a resolution.

Soap box time: Yes, it's irritating that the gyms are busy this time of year and there's no parking and you have to wait for your favorite machine that is usually deserted in the second half of the year, but please don't complain about the resolutioners (don't know if that's a word).  They are getting out there trying to make a change in their lives and maybe most of them won't be there in February or March, but some of them will be and they will become your regular gym buddies!  Or if you really can't stand them, go early in the morning or late at night like I do, and the place will be deserted anyway!

I tried a new fruit today.  The "oro blanco" grapefruit, which is a cross between a pomelo and white grapefruit, with bright green to light yellow skin.  It's very sweet with almost no bitterness (source).  Anyway, Ashley and I had bought this thing before she left for Nashville and forgotten about it, so I found it last night and decided to have it for breakfast.  I had heard that broiled grapefruit was awesome, so I decided to give it a try (cut it in half, put it under the broiler on high for about 5 minutes).  And I must say that I enjoyed it,  but I think I still love the regular pink grapefruit the best.

Sometime soon I will start working on the blog design and make it a little more interesting.  Forgive us while we are making good use of the undecorated space on the Internet.

Alright I'm off to go to the gym, buy some groceries for the week and go to church.  Pretty exciting day around here :)

What are you up to today?
Anyone else tried different types of grapefruit?

Everyone bundle up and stay warm this week!

1 comment:

  1. As I was eating a grapefruit the other day I thought to myself "I sure hope Rachelle asked for a grapefruit spoon for Christmas" :)
