Friday, January 31, 2014


Hello there!  I know it's been about a week since I have blogged and I apologize (especially to Rachelle).  It's been my birthday week/ professors decided to give us a million exams and projects hell week over here.  BUT it's finally over and Hallelujah it is Friday!  I hope everyone has something fun in store for this weekend.  I think I have too many fun things/not enough studying planned, but who cares...the Broncos are only in the Super Bowl every 10 years right?

Anyways, here is a recap of my past week....minus the whole studying thing because that will clearly bore you to tears...I'm crying just thinking about it.

A week ago, a couple of friends and I headed WAYYYYY out to the country (and I mean country- Wal Mart is their idea of a mall) to my grandparent's house for a birthday dinner celebration.  I don't mean to make you drool here, but here is a picture of the deliciousness we experienced.

Aren't my grandparents so sweet?

In case you were wondering, thats filet mignon, mushroom ragout, horseradish dinner muffins, and creamed spinach.  I won't even go into dessert....OKAY I will- we had tiramisu and butter pecan ice cream.  let's just say all ideas of eating healthy were completely thrown out the window.  You only turn 24 once right?  Or every day for an entire week because all I've been doing is enjoying cupcakes, cookies, and muffins.  Oops!  I also got some really cool gifts this week including a bottle of gin (obvi I was excited- even though my friends call me an old man), a Runner's World Cookbook, and some local honey, granola, and oatmeal from a company in Nashville!  (Thanks Ali for coming up with such cool gift ideas).

In other news, my friend Katie and I decided to run the St. Louis Go half marathon the first weekend of April.  Looks like we better get training this weekend!!  We are already two weeks behind on the Hal Higdon training but we will catch up I'm sure (you know with all that free time us PT students have).

I hope everyone is having a great last day of January!  I have decided for February I am completely cutting sweets/desserts out of my diet.  Yikes!  This will be month 2 of my year of monthly resolutions- we will see how long that lasts!

Oh and PS..... GO BRONCOS!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 Race Plans

Ashley and I are signed up to run the Colfax half marathon on May 18th in Denver this year, so we will be starting our training in a few weeks (probably mid-February), and we will be using the 12-week Hal Higdon plan (either the Novice 2 or the Intermediate).  We've both been working out a lot and are in pretty good shape (Ashley more than me), so I feel like we can handle the Intermediate.  But maybe we'll decide once we actually start the training.

This will be my second race since my surgery and I'm really excited to see if I can beat some of my past times.  My half marathon last year was 6 months after surgery and while it was definitely an accomplishment, I was not in great shape and it was pretty painful (I earned every bit of that 1:59:46 time though).

I am excited because this will be the first race Ashley and I have run together in a while (since the 2012 Horsetooth Half, which kicked both of our butts...hello hills!).  Colfax is FLAT FLAT FLAT (thank goodness!) and we get to run through the zoo!  It will be pretty early so I hope some of the animals are awake!

We'll probably be documenting our training updates here on the blog, and would love to hear if anyone else is running Colfax or a half around the same time - nothing like sharing the joys of training with others!

We are hoping to run a full marathon in the fall of this year, just still trying to figure out which one we'd like to do.  The 2011 Nike Women's marathon seems like forever ago - it's time we added another 26.2 to our records!

Anyone have races coming up in 2014?
Let us know if you are running Colfax or will be training for something during May!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Strength/Spin workout

Hello!  Just though I would do a quick post on the workout my roommate Meagan and I did today.  I recently read another blog that was giving workout ideas and suggested using a deck of cards to help make the workout a bit more fun.  Meagan and I have done this twice now, and it actually does make the workout a little more interesting.  So all you need for the strength part is a deck of cards and you're good to go.

This workout was from last week- the one we did today was a bit different and I liked it a lot better.  So every time you pull a card from the deck, the number (including face cards- jack=11, queen=12 and'll start to hate those face cards pretty quick) is the number of reps you do.

Clubs= jumping lunges
Spades= planks (multiply the number seen on the card by 4)- this is how many seconds your plank should last
Hearts= wall sit- same timing as the plank (multiply by 4)
diamonds= burpee pushups

I broke the cards into 4 parts and then did spin for 10 minutes in between each strength set.  IT WAS HARD!  I decided not to post another sweaty selfie because it's just too gross.  Anyways, let me know if anyone tries this workout!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Running Outside in January!

I am so happy today!  The high was in the 60s and I was finally able to run outside.  It's been over a month since I've been for a good run outside....the treadmill is starting to get pretty boring.
 AND I got to run in shorts! WHAT??  However, my pasty white ghost legs haven't seen the sun since November.  I think I saw a driver or two putting on sunglasses as they drove past to shield their eyes from these bad boys.  Really makes me miss the days I lived in LA and got to be (relatively) tan all year round.  Sigh.
 I also got to finally use this again!  I've only used it once since Christmas, but I really love it.  It's kinda big, which is the only downside, but I love knowing my pace as I'm running.  I can't believe I've been running seriously for about 6 years now and have never owned a GPS watch- if you don't have one and like running outside, you should definitely invest.
And now to the recipe I'm currently obsessed with.  This definitely doesn't make the prettiest meal when plated, but it is so good and so good for you.  My friend Krista introduced me to it on Friday and I've made it every day since.  All you do is mash up a banana and add an egg white, a whole egg, and some cinnamon or vanilla (or both) and then cook it like a pancake.  It will make 2 decent sized "pancakes".  I added honey, PB2 and some strawberries and absolutely love it.  Try it...I promise you won't be disappointed.

Now I'm off to go make pasta carbonara and watch Blacklist.  At least one of my meals was healthy today right?? 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Go Broncos!!!

I'm back...finally.  Sorry it has taken me so long to post again.  I never got my snow day last week (sad day) and then things have gotten crazy busy with classes starting again.  Anyone in PT school knows what I'm talking about.

Anyways, today has been an absolutely wonderful day!  I found out my dad is taking me to Key West for Spring Break- woot woot- and the Broncos won the AFC playoff and will be winning the Super Bowl in 2 weeks...(I hope).  Don't blame me if I just jinxed it.  Here's a little sneak peek of what I will get to be doing in less than 2 months.
Let' just say, this girl is NOT complaining.  And I am thrilled to have something to look forward to in the next 2 months!  This is my thrilled face:
Now on to why I look so sweaty and disgusting in this photo.  As promised, I have a new workout for you.  Although this blog is called therunningsisters, from my posts you would never even know I run.  I promise I do, I just haven't uploaded any running workouts yet.  I'll post a speed workout for the treadmill later this week, but for today, here's a 40 minute spin workout that will hopefully make you as sweaty as me---or else I'll feel even grosser than I already do.
-5 min hard warmup*
-5 min hill- increase a quarter turn every 30 seconds, sprint the last minute on a hard hill *
-5 min sprints-easy 30 sec, sprint 30 s for 5 minutes *
-8 min rolling hill SEATED (I hate these normally) with the peak of the hill at 4-5 minutes then decrease your resistance over the next 3 minutes*
-7 minutes: 1 min easy,
           1 min up in position 3 for 4 counts, down in the saddle for 4 counts, 1 min standing sprint and                1 min easy and then repeat*
-5 min standing steady climb*
5 min sprints- sprint 30 sec, easy 30 sec*
***Every time you see one of these babies* get off the bike and do a 1 minute plank.  By the end, you'll have done 7 minutes of planks, and then possibly be sore and hate me tomorrow :)
Enjoy.  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  And once again, Go Broncos!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Recipe sharing!

Oops it's been a while since we've blogged!  You'd think that with two of us blogging it would be more frequent.  We've been busy doing things like watching the Broncos win.  Can't wait for this Sunday's game!

(this pic is not from Sunday's game…  It's from last year.  But still relevant)

Today I wanted to share some recipes that we've been enjoying over the past week here in Denver.  I work a lot and often until later in the evening, so I am always looking for recipes that don't take much time and make good leftovers.  I've got a couple for you today: one that makes good leftovers and one that is fast and easy for weeknight dinners (or busy weekends).

  • First, the quick weeknight dinner that you can still feel great about eating.  This meal is pretty simple - I made it tonight and it involved very little work.  Plus, it looks beautiful!
  • Yogurt baked chicken with asparagus and blueberry salad
  • First, make your chicken using this recipe: World's Best Baked Chicken.  Then make some asparagus (I chopped off the ends of these, put them in a dish with olive oil, salt and pepper, and baked for 12 minutes at 375 degrees.  Finally, make a salad of spring greens, blueberries, chopped pecans, and your favorite dressing (I used some raspberry balsamic vinaigrette that I found at the farmer's market this summer that is to die for).  And voila!  A quick, healthy and beautiful dinner that we enjoyed AND felt good about eating.

  • Next, good leftovers.  We don't usually like to buy our lunches out during the week to try to eat healthier and save some money.  This recipe is perfect to throw in the crockpot on Sunday morning and have for leftovers for lunches (or dinners) all week.  It's simple and healthy!
  • Slow Cooker Turkey Chili (from here)
  • 1 1/4 pounds lean ground turkey
  • large onion, chopped
  • garlic clove, minced
  • (1.25-oz.) envelope chili seasoning mix
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen corn kernels
  • red bell pepper, chopped
  • green bell pepper, chopped
  • (28-oz.) can crushed tomatoes
  • (15-oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed (I usually do 2 cans)
  • (8-oz.) can tomato sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Toppings: shredded cheese
  • Cook first 3 ingredients in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring until turkey crumbles and is no longer pink; drain. Spoon mixture into a 5 1/2-qt. slow cooker; stir in corn and next 7 ingredients until well blended.
  • Cook at HIGH 4 to 5 hours or at LOW 6 to 8 hours. Serve with desired toppings
  • Let me know if you make either of these!  Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as we do!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cross your fingers!!

Everyone cross your fingers...I am REALLY REALLY hoping for a snow day here tomorrow.  You would think after having over a month off of school, I would be ready to go back to classes tomorrow, but I just want ONE MORE DAY!

Here's a picture of Meagan, my roommate.  Look at all the snow we have so far!
Honestly I shouldn't be that excited because I'm from Colorado and have seen a bunch of snow, but never like this in Nashville.  All of the other Universities in the area have been cancelled...c'mon Belmont!

Anyways, I have been promising a workout on here.  Here's what Meagan and I did at the gym today.  
1 mile at an 8:00 minute pace
Then we did a strength workout I found online the other day.  I in no way will take credit for this workout, so if anyone does it and it kicks their butt like it kicked mine, don't blame me!
1. Squats with overhead dumbbell press
2. Jumping lunges
3. Burpees
4.  Rows
5. Pushups
6. Mountain climbers.
We chose a certain amount of reps to start with and their worked our way down to 1 rep from there.  Rachelle and I did this workout last week, and I will tell you, it doesn't get much easier.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Meagan and I have decided to add to our Resolutions and we are not going to eat out at all this entire month.  We went to Costco today and bought all sorts of produce and salad stuff, so hopefully we can keep this up.  Today was NUTS at the grocery stores PS.  It's like people are Doomsday Prepping for this crazy storm we are supposed to get.

Everyone keep your fingers crossed for my snow day!
Good morning!  You are finally hearing from the other sister.  Bet you thought maybe I didn't exist?  A few random thoughts for today.

I have done nothing towards my New Years resolution yet.  I figure I'll start working on it February, which means I'll be way ahead of most other people as they will have all quit theirs by then.  Seems like a great idea to me.  And no, it doesn't have to do with fitness because I tend to view that as a general life goal and not a resolution.

Soap box time: Yes, it's irritating that the gyms are busy this time of year and there's no parking and you have to wait for your favorite machine that is usually deserted in the second half of the year, but please don't complain about the resolutioners (don't know if that's a word).  They are getting out there trying to make a change in their lives and maybe most of them won't be there in February or March, but some of them will be and they will become your regular gym buddies!  Or if you really can't stand them, go early in the morning or late at night like I do, and the place will be deserted anyway!

I tried a new fruit today.  The "oro blanco" grapefruit, which is a cross between a pomelo and white grapefruit, with bright green to light yellow skin.  It's very sweet with almost no bitterness (source).  Anyway, Ashley and I had bought this thing before she left for Nashville and forgotten about it, so I found it last night and decided to have it for breakfast.  I had heard that broiled grapefruit was awesome, so I decided to give it a try (cut it in half, put it under the broiler on high for about 5 minutes).  And I must say that I enjoyed it,  but I think I still love the regular pink grapefruit the best.

Sometime soon I will start working on the blog design and make it a little more interesting.  Forgive us while we are making good use of the undecorated space on the Internet.

Alright I'm off to go to the gym, buy some groceries for the week and go to church.  Pretty exciting day around here :)

What are you up to today?
Anyone else tried different types of grapefruit?

Everyone bundle up and stay warm this week!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!
So originally I had every intention of going to the gym today and getting started on my New Years Resolution. However, I did not anticipate how tired/ lazy I would feel after being up so late last night, so I'll start tomorrow!  I plan on doing about 6 miles on the treadmill with half of those based on speed work. I'll post it on here tomorrow as well as the arm workout.

Anyways, since I've decided to be lazy today, I figured I may as well take full advantage of that and eat a bunch of junk food and get a milkshake for the first time in years! I've been dreaming about it for a week now so I figure it's about time!

Also I thought I'd just warn you never to go to ikea with your mom when you're a bit hung over and sleep deprived, especially when she wants to spend 5 hours there and walk what felt like 15 miles. So far, 2014 has been exhausting!

Anywho, I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. One more day until I get to go back to the deep and dirty south and do redneck things like this again :)

What are your New Years resolutions?

Did anyone do anything really exciting for New Year's Eve?
