Monday, January 20, 2014

Running Outside in January!

I am so happy today!  The high was in the 60s and I was finally able to run outside.  It's been over a month since I've been for a good run outside....the treadmill is starting to get pretty boring.
 AND I got to run in shorts! WHAT??  However, my pasty white ghost legs haven't seen the sun since November.  I think I saw a driver or two putting on sunglasses as they drove past to shield their eyes from these bad boys.  Really makes me miss the days I lived in LA and got to be (relatively) tan all year round.  Sigh.
 I also got to finally use this again!  I've only used it once since Christmas, but I really love it.  It's kinda big, which is the only downside, but I love knowing my pace as I'm running.  I can't believe I've been running seriously for about 6 years now and have never owned a GPS watch- if you don't have one and like running outside, you should definitely invest.
And now to the recipe I'm currently obsessed with.  This definitely doesn't make the prettiest meal when plated, but it is so good and so good for you.  My friend Krista introduced me to it on Friday and I've made it every day since.  All you do is mash up a banana and add an egg white, a whole egg, and some cinnamon or vanilla (or both) and then cook it like a pancake.  It will make 2 decent sized "pancakes".  I added honey, PB2 and some strawberries and absolutely love it.  Try it...I promise you won't be disappointed.

Now I'm off to go make pasta carbonara and watch Blacklist.  At least one of my meals was healthy today right?? 

1 comment:

  1. You are now officially a healthy living blogger since you have posted a picture of your feet in your running shoes. Congrats!
